We carbon labeled the fried rices to increase climate transparency.

As a brand, we are always improving and evolving.
To increase our climate transparency, we are proud to have carbon labeled the new fried rices.

The carbon label on our packages quantifies the warming effect of all the greenhouse gases emitted to produce, refine, package, and transport one kilo of product on the store shelf. The label transparently shows the quantified climate impact of a kilo of product you are about to buy.

Why is this important (to us)?

About one third of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from the food production and retail industry*.

Even if we stopped using all types of fossil fuels immediately, the food system alone would still cause global warming to surge over the Paris Climate Agreement target,which commits to keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius**.

That being said, it is obvious that something needs to be done. As brand, we think it is important to inform and educate our consumers and promote transparency. This is why Ty Ling’s new fried rices show their carbon footprint.

Certified by CarbonCloud

The calculation of our climate footprint is done in a digital tool developed by CarbonCloud.

Ty Ling inputs the data and the calculation runs on a biophysical model, developed during more than 20 years of scientific climate research. After the calculation, CarbonCloud’s expert team verifies and certifies our numbers.

What’s included in the Fried Rice calculations?

The carbon label shows the quantified climate impact of the products, expressed in kilograms of CO2e per kilogram of packaged product. This number is derived from an automated life cycle analysis of the product. The scope of the analysis is farm to shelf, which includes all steps of the life cycle until it reaches the shelf of your grocery store: agriculture, transport, processing, packaging, and distribution to the retailer.

Here's where the emissions come from for each flavor of the fried rices:

Traditional Vegetable Fried Rice & Spicy Vegetable Fried Rice

Garlic & Ginger Vegetable Fried Rice

But what is the climate footprint after I pick up the product?

That is where you can make a difference and we believe you will. However we can't calculate with integrity how the product is transported home or if it was recycled or not how the packaging is recycled. Do the best you can!



What We Measure

Agricultural mechanisms

  • CO2 emissions from organic soils
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from organic soils
  • CO2 emissions from deforestation
  • CO2 emissions from production of fertilizers
  • N2O emissions from production of fertilizers
  • N2O emissions from soil organic processes.
  • Specifically, direct N2O emissions, indirect N2O emissions from volatilization of N and from leeching and runoff of N. These are caused by the application of both synthetic and organic fertilizers, and from nitrogen in crop residues left in the fields
  • CO2 emissions from application of lime
  • CO2 emissions from application of urea
  • CO2 emissions from pesticide production
  • CO2 emissions from use of farm equipment
  • CO2 emissions from drying of cereals, pulses and other crops typically dried at the farm
  • Methane (CH4) emissions from rice cultivation
  • Energy consumption associated with irrigation
  • N2O and CH4 emissions from manure management
  • CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation of ruminants
  • Emissions of CO2, N2O and CH4 from feed production and grazing

Mechanisms regarding packaging

  • Extraction of raw materials
  • Production of raw materials
  • Production of packaging from raw mateirals
  • Recycling of packaging
  • Transportation of packaging
  • Oxidation and release of fossil carbon stored in the material, from incineration or decomposition of packaging materials

Transportation and distribution mechanisms

  • Emissions from extraction, production, transportation and conbumstion of fuels
  • Fuel consumption for all transportation stages within the system boundary of the study, such as transportation/distribution:
    • from farms to food processing factories
    • between factories
    • to warehouses
    • distribution from factories or warehouses to markets
  • The following aspects of transport are considered:
    • distance
    • temperature controlled transportation
    • leakage of refrigerant for temperature controlled transportation
    • fuel consumption as a function of capacity utilization of the vehicles
    • empty returns of vehicles during distribution
  • The high-altitude climate effects of aviation

Food processing mechanisms

  • Direct emissions of fossil carbon or other greenhouse gases from ingredient reactions
  • Energy consumption for food processing
  • Food waste during production
  • Overhead operations (e.g. facility lighting, ventilation, air conditioning)
  • Leakage of refrigerants
  • Waste treatment

Mechanisms for wild aquatic products

  • Fuel consumption for fishing vessels
  • Fuel consumption for refrigeration
  • Leakage of refrigerants
  • Allocations of emissions considering edible portion of the products

What We Don't Measure

Mechanisms explicitly excluded as out-of-scope:

  • Maintenance of farm equipment
  • Commute of personnel to and from the farms
  • Housing of personnel working at the farms
  • Albedo changes due to the production of crops
  • Transportation from store shelf to consumers
  • Energy consumption for preparation of food products by consumers
  • End-of-life treatment of products and packaging

Mechanisms excluded unless it is expected to have significant impact on the result of the study:

  • Manufacture of capital goods (e.g., machinery, trucks, infrastructure)

Mechanisms not considered:

  • Corporate activities and services (e.g., research and development, administrative functions, company sales and marketing)

A Reminder

We don't measure the carbon footprint mechanisms above because there are too many variables once a product leaves the grocery shelf. Yes, we hear you. "But this doesn’t cover the entire cradle-to-grave life cycle of the product!” That's right. But as truth-seeking scientists who are obsessive about our integrity, we know that what happens to the product after it leaves the grocery shelf is impossible to quantify with truth. We don’t know, for example, how the consumer gets it home, how long it takes, if there was waste, or how the packaging is recycled - if at all! So, when it comes to the climate impact of a product's after-grocery shelf life, consumers can make a difference, too.


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